Vanessa Kobayashi


Since Vanessa was still a student, she started her career as an analyst at TM Agency learning 180 recruitment for backend & mobile positions within the IT, fintech, and financial services industries.

After graduating as a valedictorian from Toyo University, she broaden her areas of coverage, to also include the AI/Analytics roles for both product and consulting companies, as well as automotive software engineers.

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Why I became a recruiter

“The highest art of sales: people to people, dream to dream” was the catchphrase that got me into recruitment, which I heard from a recruiter whose service I used when I was contemplating about my career.

Just like that recruiter who sorted things out for me, I become a recruiter hoping that my service could be remembered as “the right decision” by my candidates.

I also enjoy interacting with various types of people, listening to people’s stories & perspectives, and thinking for solutions for different situations. I believe that recruitment is the place where I can do all these.

Why I joined TM Agency

I’ve always imagined starting my career at a venture company where communication is open and direct, and training is not given a “factory model” style.

I joined TM Agency knowing not only how open and transparent their communication culture is, but more for the privilege to learn directly from and become the best of the best in the industry.

Areas Of Specialization

Information Technology

Infrastructure, Application, Mobile, Data and AI, Automotive IT and IoT, Project Manager, and Engineering Manager

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